EERI is delighted to announce that the 2023 Annual Meeting will be held from April 11-14, 2023 in San Francisco, California. The 2023 Annual Meeting will celebrate and showcase the 50th anniversary of EERI’s flagship program, Learning From Earthquakes (LFE), which was formally established in 1973. In an exciting new format, the 4-day meeting will consist of a one-day technical program preceded and followed by a series of workshops and exercises that will offer attendees hands-on training in earthquake reconnaissance and showcase opportunities for members to become involved in LFE projects and activities.
The one-day technical program on Wednesday, April 12 will feature several plenary sessions, the 2023 EERI Distinguished Lecture by Judith Mitrani-Reiser, and the 2023 Joyner Lecture by Jack Baker, as well as the EERI Awards Ceremony and a networking reception. On Tuesday, April 11, a full-day Early Career Training Workshop will be hosted in coordination with the Younger Members Committee and sponsored by Computers and Structures, Inc (CSI). CSI generously sponsored many registration grants for early career members. The week will end with a Reconnaissance Training Workshop on Thursday, April 13 with partner organizations, followed by an exciting Reconnaissance Field Exercise that will provide a hands-on opportunity to exercise earthquake clearinghouse operations and improve reconnaissance coordination. The 2023 Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition will take place throughout the week, with shaking day on Thursday open to all attendees.
Registration for the meeting is now open!