The Reconnaissance Training Workshop will take place on Thursday, April 13. Hosted by EERI with participation from a range of partner organizations across the earthquake and extreme events reconnaissance community, the workshop will consist of a series of technical and practical training sessions equipping participants with the skills and context needed to participate in multi-disciplinary post-earthquake reconnaissance efforts.
Session 1: 8:30-9:30 AM
- Welcome and Workshop Overview: Maggie Ortiz-Millan, EERI
- California Earthquake Clearinghouse Overview, Cynthia Pridmore, California Geological Survey
- CONVERGE Resources for Ethical Reconnaissance
Coffee Break: 9:30-9:40 AM
Session 2: 9:40 AM-12:00 PM
- EERI Earthquake Response Overview & Fulcrum Training, Maggie Ortiz-Millan, EERI
- GEER, Geotechnical Extreme Event Reconnaissance, David Frost, Georgia Institute of Technology
- StEER Earthquake Response, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, StEER/Univeristy of Notre Dame
- Adoption of the International Macroseismic Scale in the US for Reconnaissance, David Wald, USGS
- SSEER response, Lori Peek, CONVERGE/CU Boulder
Lunch: 12:00-1:00 PM
Session 3: 1:00-3:00 PM
- RAPID Facility Overview and Preview of Instrumentation for Field Exercise, RAPID Facility
- RAPID Facility Instrumentation Demonstration, RAPID Facility
- Clearinghouse Data Collection Schema and Training, Kate Thomas, California Geological Survey
Coffee Break: 3:00-3:10 PM
Session 4: 3:10-4:15 PM
- Exercise Overview, Maggie Ortiz-Millan, EERI
- Haywired Scenario Overview of Impacts Anne Wein, USGS
- Haywired Scenario Tall Buildings Study, Ibbi Almufti, ARUP
The training workshop will conclude with instructions for the reconnaissance field exercise the following day.
On Friday, April 14, participants will have the chance to put the lessons from the workshop into practice during a full-day field exercise that will include a reconnaissance briefing, earthquake clearinghouse operations, and other hands-on opportunities to learn around the city. The exercise is being planned in coordination with the California Earthquake Clearinghouse.
Registration for this workshop and exercise is $150 and includes lunch during the workshop on April 13, 2023. Registration is capped at 175 participants, so sign up early to reserve your spot!
The Reconnaissance Training Workshops and Exercise are supported by FEMA.